
Pre-operations meeting with stevedore

Prior to any load and/or discharge operation, the WW Ocean representative is responsible for arranging a pre-operational meeting with sub-contractors. It should, as far as practically possible, take place at appropriate time to organize changes to planning before start of the cargo operation. Practically this could be the working day before operations, but at convenience of local organization.

An operations plan should be discussed and agreed upon at the meeting, and should include, but not be limited to, the following items:

  1. Stowage plan, cargo balances and cargo priorities
  2. Cargo to be loaded/discharged or shifted and any specific quality and/or safety issues for that.
  3. Cargo type. (low ground clearance, large overhang, free height clearance, heavy cargo, special equipment, etc.)
  4. Special lashing instructions
  5. Traffic routes
  6. Number of superintendents/foremen/gangs/drivers and lashers required.
  7. Sequence of loading and/or discharge.
  8. Tally and co-ordination with the terminal operator.
  9. Location/availability of mechanics if required during the cargo operation
  10. Security concerns and any related issues.
  11. Cargo carrier & lashing equipment distribution.
  12. Signalmen for Break Bulk handling and traffic control to be used.