
Lashing equipment scrapping guidelines

Web lashings (Car lashing, Rollash, Web slings, Span sets etc.) to be scrapped if the following damages are visible:

  1. Edge, frictions and cutting damages on webbing
  2. Cut damages on the surface of more than 10% of the width,
  3. If chemicals or high heat have created damages.
  4. The seams show damages, or the thread is cut on several places.
  5. If there is a knot on the webbing which cannot be untied.
  6. The webbing is very dirty (cannot determine the color of the web) and generally torn (fibers all over the surface being napped).
  7. Widespread friction damages.
  8. Not readable or missing label/stamping with stated BL alternatively MSL

Damages on ratchet or winch such as:

  1. Nuts which have started to loosen or have loosened.
  2. Handles which are loose at the point of attachment.
  3. Ratchets and handles which have been run over.
  4. Damages on catch or cog wheel.
  5. Locking springs which are missing.
  6. Damages by corrosion where the locking function is stiff or out of order.
  7. Lashing Chains and levers with damages of the following nature to be scrapped:
  8. Wear on the chain eyes exceeding 10% of the original material.
  9. Permanent elongation of chain links.
  10. Permanent increase of the opening of the hooks.
  11. Chains with marks or impressions on the material deeper than 10% of the diameter.
  12. Deformed eyes or links.
  13. Chains with have massive corrosion (clear reduction of thickness in material caused by corrosion).

See also following pictures for guidance: