


New Vehicle means;  

1.    a Vehicle that has never been owned and registered except by an OEM or their distribution partners.

2.    has not been driven more than 500 Kilometers. (*)

3.    is not more than 1 year old from production date.


  • OEM promotion/exhibition unit. (*)
    • (Vehicles used for test purposes has to be judge case by case to be allowed for shipment)
  • OEM Overseas Delivery Programs. (*)

Used Vehicle:

  • Any vehicle other than a new vehicle as defined above.

(*)  Any unit that has been driven over 500 km but maximum 1500 km and any units fulfilling the Exception, requires following below points to be adhered to, to ensure classification as New:

Unit powered as an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE):

  • Vehicles shown less than 1500 km are considered as a new unit.

Unit powered as an Alternative Fueled Vehicle (AFV) requirements to be considered as a new unit:

  • Requires an OBD (Onboard diagnostic report). For details see here.
  • Requires pictures showing the vehicle front and back and sides to view any impact damage and overall standard of the unit.

Regional Cargo Quality always to be informed and be receiver of pictures.

Regional Cargo Quality are responsible to verify and approve OBD report and pictures, if not delegated to the port responsible.

Internal message:
o Consensus on the exception would be that a BEV cannot be shipped if it has more than 1500 Km on the odometer. BEV has to be classified as New Unit to allow shipment.
o All other AFV categories (HEV, PHEV and CGV/LPG) are possible to ship as “used units” but need to be fulfilling the additional requirements in the AFV specifics. This can be found on the links below this box.
o OBD (Onboard Diagnostic report) is to connect a computer to the vehicles onboard computer and printing the diagnostic of the vehicle’s vital functions.

Additional requirement for HEV

Additional requirement for PHEV

Additional requirement for CGV/LPG

  • ACTUAL MANIFESTED VOLUME:The actual manifested volume refers to the volume of cargo as documented after loading and departure. These volumes are retrospective and only confirmed after the discharge of the cargo. Corrections to the manifest may occur.