
Measurement times

Cargo is to be measured during receiving alternative at staging area on date of receipt or according to locally approved practice.

Measurement details to be e-mailed or reported to CCC / Sales Support latest by end of business day. Systems which feed directly into the booking systems must be updated accordingly.

Late Gates arrivals: Cargo received during vessel operation or when cargo is advanced to an earlier vessel must be:

  1. Measured prior to loading.
  2. Advise customer of discrepancies prior to loading, time permitting.
  3. If there is no time to advise customer of measurement discrepancy, the cargo is to be loaded and CCC or Sales Support to be advised on the details immediately by Operations.
  4. If late cargo measurement could cause impact in the operations, this can be exempted based on the approval of the Cargo Quality Representative at the Port of Loading and subjected to re/measurement at Port of Discharge in case of doubt.