
Receiving of break bulk (B/B)

General Considerations

  1. The shipper is responsible for preparing the cargo and its packing for cargo handling and sea voyage.
  2. The shippers have the responsibility to see that the packing is correctly marked. If the cargo permits outdoor storage, then it is expected to be adequately weatherproof packed. In case cargo is deemed or ordered to be sheltered in the booking process and no full shelter facility is available, cargo should adequately be covered. Center of Gravity marking of the box has to be displayed clearly.
  3. Cases and crates can only be stacked on top of each other if the package is allowing this and does not show visible structural signs of damages.
  4. The cargo must be secured inside the packaging, preventing cargo movement inside during handling and sea voyage. As a general recommendation, boxed/crated cargo should be safely bolted to bottom support beams which are of enough strength and dimension.
  5. The packing itself must be of such strength that it withstands the handling in ports, lashing operation and forces caused by vessel’s motion at sea.
  6. Shipper must provide pictures and/or written descriptions of how securing inside the case/package has been arranged. The picture and description should be attached to the unit or made available to authorized OPERATORS personnel. The unit should otherwise be accessible, or have inspection openings to verify securing, if no description is provided.
  7. Units weighing 10 MT, or more is to be equipped with sufficient means for securing, directly connected from cargo to deck. The intended ways of securing, or possible restriction on securing, must be informed by shipper. Securing points must be clearly marked and Minimum Securing Load should be stated.

Exceptions may be granted by authorized OPERATORS personnel if:

  1. Cargo is safely secured inside the package.▪ Verified by provided information.▪ And/or verified by visual inspection.
  2. Unit is possible to secure.▪ According to provided information.▪ And/or as per assessment
  3. Package is rigid and can transfer forces from securing and supports to the cargo inside.

Exceptions are to be highlighted and explained for the Vessel Master.

  1. If it is not possible to properly secure the unit without removing the seal or open the case, contact shall be made with an appropriate representative (e.g., Customer Service, booking department, forwarder, shipper, etc.) to seek needed necessary information or get the approval to remove the seal or open the case. If such information or approval is not achieved and it is still not possible to ensure safe securing, the unit shall not be loaded. If In case of cargo is being rejected by the Master or his delegate, all reasons and facts are to be properly communicated to OPERATORS Representative.
  2. Static units exceeding 15 MT for PCTC vessels, and 25 MT for RoRo vessels shall be unitized on a Roll trailer, to prevent overloading of the deck. Exception may be allowed by Stow Planning if proven with deck capacity.


Cargo: Cargo by itself; Unpacked Cargo.

Unit: Cargo and its’ packing, when proven that it can be regarded as one rigid body.

Authorized Operators personnel: Port & Cargo Operation and Break-Bulk team.