

Cargo Identification by humans and electronic devices is essential for an effective operation.

Following rules apply to all cargo units:

  1. All units, factory new as well as used, must be labelled prior to loading.
  2. The cargo label must be legible, easy to spot and readable from 1,5 m distance.
  3. Labels must not be covered, nor partially obstructed by any other sticker or label.
  4. If a unit is relabeled due to change of voyage, destination and/or dimensions, the new label must be applied on top of the old one or the old cargo label must be replaced.

Minimum required information on the label:

  • Port of Discharge (POD) in 5-letter UN/LOCODE notation
  • VIN number (all vehicles) or unique identifier (breakbulk) in text form

Preferred, additional information on the label:

  1. Port of Load (POL) in 5-letter UN/LOCODE notation
  2. Dimensions of cargo
  3. Weight of cargo