
Rubber products

  1. All rubber is to be stowed inside a terminal warehouse that has well-drained and clean surfaces. (Rubber is a temperature-sensitive cargo).
  2. Utmost care must be taken when lifting pallets. Forklift tines should be cushioned in the rear, so that the front end of tines does not protrude beyond pallet.
  3. Crated rubber may be stowed four high in warehouse provided that heavy-duty plywood is used between the first three layers. Note: maximum is two heights high if plywood is not used.
  4. Shrink-wrapped (S/W) rubber should be stowed two heights high only, with heavy-duty plywood between layers.
  5. Damage to rubber pallets shall be reported to the local OPERATORS office as and when such damage is detected.
  6. The stevedore shall, in co-operation with local OPERATORS office, arrange for recouping of damaged pallets.