
Requirements for shipping used motorhomes*

(*) Motorhome is a unit with a purpose-built accommodation area.)

  1. The shipped content of a used unit must only be what is defined as standard equipment for use in relation to the purpose of accommodation. No other items are allowed.
  2. The only acceptable items carried at shipper’s own risk are the standard equipment under topic: Allowed standard items for used Motorhomes. Such allowed items must be secured, cleaned, and packed in their respective designated areas.
  3. Shipper must supply a signed check list of standard equipment being shipped inside of the units at customer’s own risk. The Ocean carrier will not be liable for any type of items inside of the vehicle.
  4. All standard items are to be clean and free of mud or debris. This includes and not limited to bed linen, curtains, and any other leisure equipment. All units/equipment must adhere to Wallenius Wilhelmsen Clean Cargo Guidelines.
  5. Standard equipment must not be intended for exporting or re-selling purpose. Equipment must be available for random inspections by customs officers and authorized personnel. If any areas are to be locked, keys must be delivered together with the vehicle ignition key. Carrier is not responsible for any results or actions taken by customs or quarantine on arrival.
  6. Gas cylinders are only allowed if they are securely fixed, listed in the standard equipment list and accompanied with a valid up-to-date gas-free certificate, which must be attached to the cylinder.
  7. Vehicle interior: The inside of the unit being shipped must appear empty.
  8. A complete set of pictures reflecting the unit interior condition together with items check list must be provided by shipper prior delivery. Units will be surveyed at Port of Load and/or Port of Discharge at shipper’s cost.
  9. Units are to be kept locked whilst at the terminal.