
Receiving of cargo

  1. Personal effects and non-standard equipment are not allowed in vehicles and High and Heavy (H/H) equipment.
  2. Each unit must have its own key.
  3. If mechanical, electronic- or electrical failures are noticed when receiving the cargo, this must be reported to appropriate parties.
  4. Only manufacturer-approved technicians may repair factory new units, and the OPERATORS staff must be informed when a unit is ready for shipment.
  5. New Vehicles with any mechanical or electrical failures or any signs of leakage must not be loaded onboard any of the OPERATORS vessels or vessels chartered by OPERATORS. These vehicles must remain ashore. If malfunction noted during loading operations, it shall be taken ashore and reported to OPERATORS representatives as soon as possible.
  6. Cargo is to be delivered with only ¼ of a tank of fuel. The fuel tank of a self-propelled vehicle powered by liquid fuel or LPG may not be more than ¼ full. Electric vehicles should be following the Alternative fuel vehicles/units (AFV) instructions in Cargo operations chapter.

Mind the overall cargo condition and be aware of:

  1. Modified engine combustion vehicles and loose/bare wires visible, radiator damages, braking issues, steering Issues.
  2. Cargo damaged
  3. Incorrect or missing center of gravity marking.
  4. Auto alarms/anti-theft devices which do not disengage.
  5. Cargo with inaccurately booked dimensions compared to actual dimensions.
  6. Cargo with insufficient direct lashing points for units over 10 tons
  7. Cargo with IMDG Labels, but not booked as IMDG cargo in booking list.
  8. IMDG booked cargo with received without proper IMDG markings.
  9. Cargo with weak or broken cargo packing (Wooden crates, Boat Cradles)
  10. Units/vehicles requiring mechanical assistance (i.e., jump starting, starting fluid)
  11. Cargo without or unclear cargo markings (Dimensions, Vessel/Voyage, POL/POD, Transshipment port)
  12. Fulfilling or meeting Clean Cargo Instructions.
  13. All units must be parked at the terminal, with proper distances in line with survey requirements.
  14. In the event of staging Vehicles must be grouped and sorted by left-hand drive vehicles and right-hand drive vehicles as well as by the height of low sided (LSV) and high sided (HSV) vehicle models.