
Damage severity classification

Minor Damage classification

Basic criteria for a minor damage are where the total expected cost is less than USD 5000.

Major Damage classification

Basic criteria for a major damage are where the total expected cost exceeds USD 5000. It should be noted that in some cases even lesser damages should initiate the same level of reporting.

Vehicles and High and Heavy units:

  • If a vehicle is damaged in any way that makes it hard to decide severity, must be classified as a Major damage.
  • Repetitive observed damages, on at least 3 units, should be considered a major classification.

Break Bulk

  • Unit(s) expected total loss.
  • Unit(s) tipped over or dropped.
  • All structural damage to unit(s) and/or package to be treated as Major until properly inspected.


  • Identified wetting or melting. Reconditioning of more than 40 crates/pallets required.

Paper Rolls, Boards, Etc.

  • More than 10 rolls expected total loss.

Units of plywood wafer boards, gypsum board or pulp

  • More than 10 units expected total loss per load/discharge port.
  • More than 40 units requiring reconditioning per load/discharge port.


  • Container expected total loss or container dropped.
  • Container damage to the extent that the content requires repackaging.
  • Container leaking with damage to content.