

  1. Readiness for the intended cargo operation; Including that ramps and driveways as well as the height of deck panels are set according to instructions given by WW Ocean representative or agree when panel and/or hatch operations during the cargo operation including dual split ramp settings and ramp covers will take place.
  2. Vessel danger areas, including critical points for speed, height clearance and narrow driveways.
  3. Change of destination information or transshipment cargo onboard.
  4. Leaking units or none-drivable units to be discharged, damaged units.
  5. Traffic cones, direction marking and safety lines rigging done.
  6. Littering, smoking, eating, and drinking policy / Location of toilets for stevedores.
  7. Cargo holds ventilation management.
  8. Walkways for emergency exits pilots and inspection lanes.
  9. Separation of cargo by discharge port.
  10. Keys hand-over for locked units to be presented if discharged.
  11. Vessel's attendance in the cargo holds during the cargo operation as per OPERATORS cargo handling instructions Vessel Responsibilities.
  12. Coordination of bunker operation for manual sounding needs and walkways.
  13. Any safety/security drills or maintenance work planned to include hot work, no parking areas.
  14. Notify the time needed for vessel to depart in a seaworthy condition, especially when deviating from standard. (stability calculation, security check, equipment, and general securing execution etc.)
  15. Agree on Post-Operational meeting.
  16. Any conditions found before or during operations that require corrective actions to ensure a safe operation must immediately be brought to the attention of the vessel's command and the WW OCEAN representative.

Loading/discharging operation should not commence before the conditions are satisfactorily improved.

Any changes or new information during the operation by any party should be communicated as soon as practical.

The Final cargo stow-plan must be delivered to the vessel before departure.