
Portable securing devices

  1. All cargo handling equipment supplied for handling OPERATORS cargo must be tested and have valid certificates. This includes gear supplied by stevedores, port authorities, sub-contractors, vessels, and OPERATORS.
  2. All lashing should be done in accordance with this instruction or the manufacturer's requirements, and to the satisfaction of the Vessels Master, as the Master is ultimately responsible for the cargo during transit and the seaworthiness of the vessel.
    • A vessel's cargo securing manual (CSM) will always overrule this manual if stricter.
  3. Ensure that the lashing work is carefully supervised, as this is most critical from a quality and safety standpoint.
  4. The combination chain and sling (Break load (BL) min. 15 MT) should be avoided and is only permitted if no other means of protecting the cargo from damage is available.
  5. Before using a lashing, it must be ascertained that it is in apparent good order and condition.
    • Lashing equipment should not be used if deemed damaged as per guideline. (See appendix)
  6. Lashing material should not be carried between vehicles in stow. If unavoidable, utmost care should be exercised to prevent cargo damage.
  7. When chains/tensions bars are used to secure the surface of cargo, proper protection between the cargo and chains must be used to protect the cargo from damage. Chains are to be attached to the fixed lashing points in the decks and approved fittings in the bulkheads and overhead. Lashing equipment should not be fastened to hoistable car decks. When chain tension help devices are used (ratchet winders), other than levers, extra precaution is to be conducted, to avoid personal injury and damage to cargo and cargo carrier.
  8. When discharging, all lashing/securing equipment should be detached and completely removed from stow. Detached securing equipment is to be stowed in the designated locations.
  9. When stripping a loaded roll trailer/bolster etc. routines must be in place for retrieving, sorting, and counting the lashing equipment at the same time as the roll trailers/bolsters etc. are stripped by the stevedores. Any damaged equipment should be separated, counted, disposed as per local regulation, and reported as scrap. It is the OPERATORS representative/agent's responsibility to ensure compliance.
  10. It is the vessel crew's responsibility to ensure that equipment not being used is stored in appropriate and safe location (i.e., in bins, hanging at stanchions/sides etc.) and that no lashing equipment is over stowed/blocked with cargo. However, the stevedores are responsible for not leaving any lashing equipment/bins within stow while in the process of securing the cargo.
  11. All Ports shall conduct physical inventory control at regular intervals as per local process or when requested and update lashing equipment system with the result. During these inventories as well as during the work with the lashing material, all damaged and worn-out lashings be taken aside and reported as scrap.
  12. It is the Local OPERATORS representative's responsibility to ensure safe storage for the equipment in their port and to protect the lashing equipment from weather and theft.
  13. It is very important to remind all ports stevedore, vessel crew, OPERATORS Representative that for RORO decks, lashing should not be blocked by cargo which can result in lacking lashing due to this carelessness.