
Uniform, axle, and bogie loads

Our vessels operate with three (3) different "loads" when it comes to stowage of cargo onboard a vessel.

  1. Uniform deck load (UDL); is the deck maximum permissible load per square meter. Typical loads where cargo spread evenly at square meter utilization such as break-bulk cargo, containerized cargo and bolsters.
  2. Axle loads; load that stress deck structure-based on the axle configuration and tire footprint of a self-propelled unit. Typical cargo is rolling cargo such as Vehicles and heavy vehicles in general. Where the footprint of tires and axle configuration is the main driver for cargo weight acceptance.

Note, axle loads usually is divided into either two (2) wheel per axle or four (4) wheel per axle.

  1. Bogie loads: similar as axle, but where the axles are close to each other so they will act as one "axle". Typical cargo that is loaded by roll trailer, samson trailers and multi-purpose bogies. Here it also operated with "harbor" and "seagoing" mode, as in harbor a vessel can allow heavier bogie due to no accelerations present, which will be present during voyage.

Cargo that exceeds the vessels specification can be accepted if technical review has been done and approved by Marine Operation Management Oslo (WW Ocean), Cargo Quality (EUKOR).