
Securing of samson trailer

Lashing angles

amin = 30° amax = 60°
bmin = 30° bmax = 60°

Table (2)

The "rule of thumb" should be used when determining the number of chain lashings to be used on each side for securing of the SAMSON trailer and cargo. The lashings must be applied at angles within the range given in table (2). The lashings must be placed symmetrically in a fore and aft direction, with the same number of chains pointing forward and aft.

Weights over 180 tons must be calculated using Lashing calculation program.

Total weight of the unit in tons / MSL in tons for the chain lashing.

Ex. Unit weight = cargo weight + trailer weight (180 + 20 = 200 tons)

MSL chain lashing = 7.5 tons

200/7.5 ~ 26.7 → 27 chain lashings on each side of the unit.

  • There are no brakes on the bogies, thus stoppers must be used. Special made stoppers are available. These are painted in distinct red colour and has D-rings for chains (either connect to each other or to deck). Standard truck stoppers can be used as well.
  • It's important to support the platform when unit is onboard. This can be achieved in several ways, but the correct and most efficient way is to position the support on top of vessels transversal beams as far as practical possible. Each platform-longitudinal should have support.
  • Under certain conditions, supporting beams can be placed longitudinal. This can only be approved by the Technical department of the respective carrier (OPERATORS).
  • Position or remove beams from underneath platform with hydraulic jack:
  • Slide the beam under platform
  • Place the jack close to beam
  • Lift jack until you can fit/ remove wood from the beam
  • Remove the beam
  • There are also called "pallets" which are used with hydraulic jacks