
Cargo hold ventilation and lighting

The Vessel Master is responsible to ensure that decks and driveways are adequately lit and ventilated in accordance with SOLAS requirements. (Whenever possible, the cargo hold ventilation should be started 30 minutes before the start of the cargo operation to establish a noticeable airflow through the cargo holds).

The vessel Master should give attention to ventilation management when bunkering operation occurs simultaneously to cargo operation, to prevent bunkering fumes being spread into the cargo hold.

Sufficient lighting should be maintained on all decks.

Broken lighting fixtures, fluorescent lights etc. should be rectified prior loading as far as practical.

Emergency lighting in cargo holds should always be on.

Applicable to the carriage of rubber:

To defend cargo deterioration claims it is necessary for the vessel to produce records showing that customary ventilation routines were followed. Should the necessary evidence be missing or incomplete, it is often difficult for the Club to refuse such assertions.