
Securing of vehicles

Vehicle(s) must be secured immediately after the vehicle has been stowed.

  1. The lashing material must be moved out from bulkheads, etc. before the units are positioned close to same.
  2. Lashing material should not be carried between vehicles in stow. If unavoidable, the outmost care must be taken to prevent the units from being scratched or dented.
  3. Lashings should only be moved low (under bumper level) when moved between vehicles.
  4. Lasher's or other personal must never lean on any part of the vehicle.
  5. The affixed lashings should never rub any part of the undercarriage (spoiler, bumper, or mudguard) of the vehicle, including tires.
  6. Lashings must only be secured on to the tie down points which have been determined as adequate and safe from a quality perspective according to each manufacturer's model/series.
  7. The lashings should lead away from the tie down point at approx. a 45-degree angle (both vertically and horizontally). Normally, angles within 30–60 degrees are acceptable.