
Fire prevention

Vessel crew should keep keen watch throughout the loading and discharging operation so that any faulty conditions of the vehicles can be detected in the early stage. During their watch of cargo operation, pay keen attention to the following points.

  1. When non-start vehicles are being discharged refer to "Handling for the Non-start vehicles or dead cars", "Refueling" and "Battery charging".
  2. Vessel crew should know the locations of portable fire extinguishers so that they can immediately use them in emergency situation.
  3. Especially, in case of handling 2nd hand/used units, portable fire extinguishers must be presented with duty vessel crew on working place. (Early discovery => quick extinguishing => ventilation)
  4. Upon completion of loading, or discharging work in each compartment, gas-tight doors, passage doors and other access hatch cover must be closed.