
Instructions for ocean carriage of AFV

Important: Booking office requires cargo classification to be provided at booking stage and prior to the cargo cut off deadline to ensure proper planning, stowage and safe handling is performed.

The shipper/ OEM is required to categorize each AFV unit into one of the following categories:

A remark must be made that it is an AFV vehicle in the booking system and handled accordingly.

  1. BEV - Battery Electric Vehicle where only source of power for propulsion is a battery
  2. PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle where source of power for propulsion is either through battery power or through an internal combustion engine (ICE)
  3. HEV - Hybrid Electrical Vehicle, All none-plug-in Li-battery solution with ICE Engine).
  4. CGV / LPG - Compressed Gas Vehicle, where source of power for propulsion is Liquid Petroleum Gas, Compressed hydrogen or natural gas.