
Stowage of CGV/LPG (Vehicle/High and heavy)

  1. CGV's should be stowed in a way that will allow patrols direct access to these vehicles
  2. CGV's to be stowed only on fixed gastight or watertight decks.
  3. CGV to be stowed separated from POV/ Used vehicles. Minimum 18 meters away horizontally (safety zone) on same deck. POV/ Used vehicles should not be stowed on corresponding deck areas above (min 18 meters horizontally away) the CGV's within the same fire zone.
  4. CGV's is only allowed stowed on decks which have SOLAS approved explosions proof equipment on Vessel's keel-laid after 1st of January 2016. This is an absolute SOLAS requirement.
  5. CGV's loaded on vessel that has not explosions proof equipment; main & strong decks (above main including deck no. 5, 7 or 8, strong deck may vary depending on vessel type.) can be available and as well as liftable deck no. 6. The strong deck may vary depending on vessel type.
  6. CGV's should not be stowed on any deck below the Main deck.

Figure i 18.0m Safety zone (stowage vehicles is just for reference)

Figure ii Above deck safety zone