
Manoeuvring/ handling of mpb

  1. The behavior of the arrangement is the same as turntables on roll trailer. It must be checked how the two Tug-master-operators synchronize their vehicles. Note that it is possible to use forklift as well. (for lighter cargo)
  2. The tug-master/prime mover shall be of a size and weight that will ensure safe transport into and from the vessel from/to the designated place of rest on the terminal. The tug-master/hustler/prime mover must be fitted with a proper towing hook. Enough friction must be obtained before operation continue. (this can be achieved using counterweight)
  3. The driver should test the brakes prior to proceeding up/down the vessel stern ramp and again after the cargo carrier is on the terminal berth/deck.
  4. Transport from terminal to vessel and vessel to terminal shall be at a safe speed. (not to exceed walking speed)
  5. A suitable line of approach over the vessel stern ramp shall be determined prior to loading/ discharging, bearing in mind that at no time shall the angle be more than 20 degrees out of the "fore and aft" line of the cargo.
  6. Maximum ramp angle is 6 degrees from main deck horizontal line. Higher angle can be approved, subject enough friction is obtained.
  7. The two drivers and the signalman must be in contact through radio or similar direct communication tool, to ensure correct synchronization.
  8. One signalman at each MPB should follow the loading/discharge all the time. He must report immediately any faulty behavior of bogie, turntable, or cargo. He should have the authority to stop the operation if something is wrong.
  9. During operation, the two locking pins (one on each side) must be removed; otherwise, the forces acting on the MPB will be transferred to the cargo and can cause damages. The only time the locking pin should be engaged is when pulling the MPB set out from stow in a straight line. Once there is enough room to connect a second tug-master, operation should stop and locking pin removed. This applies in reverse order during loading.
    • Pin in steerable position. A securing screw (green) must be removed if position on the pin shall be switched.
  • Maximum turning angle of platform is 22.5 deg, but it is recommended to keep not more than 15 deg, to ensure a safe operation. If reached to maximum turning, the forces will be transferred to the cargo/lashings instead and can cause damages
  • Maneuvering can be done in three ways:

Both MPB turned at the same time => total turning angle is 30 deg

Only one MPB is turned => total turning angle is 15 deg

By side-way movement, so called "Crabbing".