
Forestry products

  1. All forestry products are to be stored in a warehouse or under roof, unless otherwise instructed by OPERATORS representative.
  2. Warehouse floors shall be dry and clean in areas designated for the storage forestry products.
  3. All cargo should be stacked in the warehouse in stable and safe heights.
  4. Stevedore shall provide suitable means of transport that have smooth flush surfaces free from fixed articles (nails, bolts, etc.) that may imprint roll ends, and beds should be swept dry and clean to avoid imprinting roll ends. Pre-operational inspections and random inspections shall take place during operation, to ensure surfaces of all trailers are always dry and clean.
  5. Transports shall proceed at a safe speed to/from warehouse/vessel to prevent cargo from falling off. All vehicles should use their lowest gear when transiting the vessel ramps.
  6. Safety chains connecting trailer to towhead shall be engaged at all times.
  7. Transport of forestry products shall not take place during rain/snow, unless approved by OPERATORS representative.
  8. Vessel's decks shall be dry and clean. If sweeping is required during the operation, OPERATORS representative or Vessel Master to be advised.
  9. Proper segregation/mark-off shall be given to cargo, as instructed by OPERATORS representative.
  10. Paper rolls and pulp should not be stowed on top of bilges.
  11. Creosote treated wooden products are not accepted for Ocean transport.
  12. Dunnage/air bags of suitable size and strength may be used to choke off voids in stowage, with the approval of OPERATORS representative and vessel Master.
  13. Corner protections should, if possible, extend over a minimum of two reels when lashing.
  14. When loading in ramps, airbags should be close to bulkheads.