
Factory new vehicles

The following should be observed:

  1. Sitting, stepping, leaning, resting, or climbing on the units must never occur except for entering and driving the unit.
  2. If a unit is equipped with seat and/or floor protectors, the driver must ensure that these are in the correct position before entering the vehicle.
  3. No unit that is part of the cargo may be used as shuttle van, or any other means of personal transportation, or as a means for towing other cargo.
  4. Electronical accessories (radios etc.) in the units must never be used.
  5. Crayon markings are not permitted on the units.
  6. Headlights must always be kept on during driving as a safety precaution.
  7. Speeding, excessive idling or any abuses of a vehicle like skidding, turning by using the handbrake, etc. are forbidden.
  8. Only assigned/designated driveways are to be used.
  9. Deflating tires in order to be able to drive critical units and obtain better clearance is not allowed.
  10. Wherever and whenever a flat or soft tire is discovered, firstly inflate or pump air into a flat/soft tire. If fail, the tire must be exchanged with the spare tire.
  11. REMEMBER, a unit with flat tire must never be moved on board or ashore.

The following bad driving techniques are prohibited.

  1. Sudden starts and stops. (Except to avoid an accident)
  2. Quick turning and car-racing.
  3. Overtaking other vehicles in the car deck.