
Operation of Roll trailers exceeding 30-ton gross weight

Loading and discharging Roll trailer between 30 and 50 MT GW above main deck:

  • Heavy Rolltrailer (+50 MT) should not be planned and loaded above main deck.
  • Roll trailers should always be pushed up the stern ramp and pushed up to upper decks during loading operation.
  • During discharge, Tug-master shall always be Infront of the Rolltrailer going down from decks above the main deck and continued out on the stern ramp.

Loading and discharging Roll trailer, between 30 and 50 MT GW, below main deck:

  • Heavy Rolltrailer (+50 MT) should not be planned and loaded below main deck.
  • If Roll trailer is loaded to a deck below the main deck, the trailer shall be turned on the main-deck, and then proceed downwards to the next deck with tug-master in front (lower side).
    • If turning on main deck is not possible, exception can be allowed for pulling the Roll trailer up the stern ramp if: necessary safety arrangements has been taken for stern ramp handling. This type of arrangement has to be approved by Regional Cargo Quality.
  • During discharge, Roll trailers shall be pushed up internal vessel ramps, with the tug-master behind the trailer.
  • Roll trailers shall be turned at the main deck so that the tug-master can proceed in front of the Rolltrailer down the ramp.
    • If due to the size of the trailer it is not possible to turn trailer or to avoiding damaging other cargo, and/or to avoid sharp turns, exception can be allowed for pushing the Roll trailer down the stern ramp if: necessary safety arrangements has been taken for stern ramp handling. This type of arrangement has to be approved by Regional Cargo Quality.