
Manoeuvring of samson platform

  • The tug-master/prime mover shall be of a size and weight that will ensure safe transport into and from the vessel from/to the designated place of rest on the terminal. The tug-master/ prime mover must be fitted with a proper towing hook. Enough friction must be obtained before operation continue. (this can be achieved using counterweight)
  • The driver should test the brakes prior to proceeding up/down the vessel stern ramp and again after the cargo carrier is on the terminal berth/deck.
  • Transport from terminal to vessel and vessel to terminal shall be at a safe speed. (not to exceed walking speed)
  • A suitable line of approach over the vessel stern ramp shall be determined prior to loading/discharging, bearing in mind that at no time shall the angle be more than 7 degrees out of the "fore and aft" line of the cargo.
  • Ramp angle is 4–6 degrees from main deck horizontal line. Higher angle can be approved, subject enough friction is obtained. Approval by Port and Cargo Operation or Marine Operation Management.
  • If necessary, an additional tug-master can be connected, using wire, to help with pulling during transfer over stern ramp. This is important during rainy/wet conditions.
  • It must be checked how the two Tug-master-operators synchronize their vehicles movements. The two drivers and the signalman must be in contact through appropriate means.