
Loading/discharging weather deck cargo

Before making any attempt to lift the cargo, regardless of if from deck, water or wharf, Vessel Master, OPERATORS representative and Port Representative are to be notified, and the person in charge of the operation shall check and be satisfied that following is adhered to:

  1. Only suitable and certified lifting gear are used, and that the lifting gear is in good and safe condition.
  2. Spreader bars with a length equal to or more than the cargo's beam are used. (Lifting points for slings to be marked)
  3. Stevedore supervisor or a skilled foreman shall be in charge of the operation, and that the crane driver and signalman have the required skill.
  4. That the cargo is properly slung and balanced safely.
  5. Web slings are always used and/or that suitable cushioning is being placed where steel wires may touch the cargo.
  6. That a minimum of two ropes (tag lines) are attached to the cargo, enabling deck crew to turn and maneuver the cargo as required.
  7. That the lifting of weather deck cargo shall proceed at safest possible speed and jumps, and jerks are avoided.
  8. That the weather deck cargo is positioned as instructed by the person in charge, that the distance to containers or any part of vessel's construction shall be sufficient for safe clearance, and that appropriate lashing can be made with proper angles to the available lashing points.
  9. If a yacht cradle has to be lifted a little in each corner to remove/insert lifting wires, utmost care must be taken to ensure that the yacht's rudder(s) or propeller(s) do not touch the deck and/or berth.
  10. That the actual gross weight of the lift is recorded by OPERATORS during the lift and be registered into the loading papers/traveler. The weight should also be rechecked against information from shipper.