
Rubber products

  1. Only two layers high are permitted during transport to/from vessel. The utmost precaution must be taken to ensure that the cargo is not damaged during movement.
  2. Transport of rubber shall not take place during rain/snow unless approved by the OPERATORS representative.
  3. Shrink-Wrapped (S/W) rubber can be loaded up to three layers high.
  4. Plywood dunnage should be removed between tiers of rubber pallets during discharging operations from vessel in a safe and orderly manner so as not to damage or contaminate the rubber.
  5. Height/utilization permitting, the preferred stowage is one crate with two high S/W on top in deck No. 1. (on RoRo vessels)
  6. When loading Shrink-Wrapped (S/W) pallets, Plywood shall be used between each layer, with sheets overlapping at least 20cm in order to "bind" the stow together.
  7. Pallets shall be stowed transverse whenever possible. Experience shows that pallets placed in longitudinal stow are more prone to damage during transit, and that kind of stowage should be reduced to an absolute minimum.
  8. Pallets should be stowed right across the compartment from one side to the other whenever possible.
  9. When loading in deck No. 1 (on RoRo) only two pallets high are to be loaded in front of ventilator outlets to allow for proper ventilation during transit. Choking off the first pallet loaded three high in front of ventilator is required.
  10. Some vessels have heated fuel tanks behind the aft bulkhead in deck No. 1 (one). In order to prevent heat damage to rubber, such bulkheads are to be covered by plywood affixed to vertical.
  11. Four-inch wood being raised vertically. A daily temperature reading in the cargo deck/room is required, and the results are to be recorded in the logbook.