

  1. Specialized cargo: Cargo of unusual size and shape that requires special handling, attention and/o stowage.
  2. Heavy Lift: Movement/stowage of cargo with weight over 140MT. Weight may be less if cargo composition is different from standard and special attention for some reason must be considered.
  3. Samson: Heavy lift equipment, consisting of one platform and two bogies. Maneuvered by means of two tug-masters/ Prime movers. Up to 220T.
  4. Jack-up trailer: for exceptionally heavy cargo. A jack up trailer can be towable or self-moveable, but common factor is that the wheels can be maneuvered, and trailer can be lowered/ hoisted by means of hydraulics.
  5. Blocks and Beams: Used for stowage onboard when jack-up trailer used.
  6. MPB (Multi-Purpose Bogie): Bogie with towing bar, used in pair. Rails, beams or flat platform is attached to the bogie.
  7. MOS (Method of Statement): A document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed, including risk management. (See appendix)
  8. SOP (Standard Operating Procedure): Established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation. Can act as a standalone document or form a part of MOS. (See appendix)