
Metal plates

Preparation in port and loading onto roll trailers.

As far as possible, groups of plates with similar dimensions shall be loaded together. This produces even ends and sides of the stows on the roll trailer and make it easier to secure the plates properly. Sorting by width shall be prioritized over sorting by length.

Example of groups of plates with similar dimensions having been loaded together.

The cargo should be loaded so that its centre of gravity is located as near as possible to the roll trailers or flat racks centre, both in the longitudinal and transverse direction.

The groups of steel plates shall be separated by transverse wooden dunnage. The dunnage placed directly on top of the roll trailer flooring shall have a minimum cross section of 100 x 100 mm and shall span the full width of the roll trailer or flat rack. Dunnage placed between the different groups of plates shall have a minimum cross section of 75 x 75 mm, while 100 x 100 mm is preferable as this enables the use of normal forklift forks when de-vanning the cargo carrier.

The longitudinal spacing of the battens shall be such that no plate is allowed to deflect more than 10 mm in vertical direction.

Transverse battens used to separate the groups of steel plates shall be place directly on top of each other to avoid buckling of the plates.

The transverse battens between the different layers have been placed directly on top of each other in order to avoid buckling of the plates.